Imunify360 webshield & waf on a hosting provider

Security breaches, web browsing attacks and brute force attacks are the order of the day – unfortunately. They happen every second on the global web. Many businesses and entrepreneurs are used to protecting their computers and smart devices with a variety of security applications. But few people are familiar with how to protect a WordPress web hosting or a website.

We want to act responsibly and provide our customers with an extra layer of security at no cost with our comprehensive Imunify360 security solution.

Imunify360 is server-level security software installed on our webhosts that prevents attacks, viruses and malware related to your web services, emails and files. Imunify360 works on a proactive principle by detecting attacks through its extensive database, allowing it to identify vulnerabilities related to different services.

Imunify360 automatically provides protection for your popular WordPress publishing system, your web hosting databases, your files, your emails and other applications you install.

The Imunify360 firewall monitors network traffic and can block malicious bot traffic based on IP addresses. Imunify360 uses Captcha verification to identify the right users.

Below are some common situations where Imunify360 continuously monitors the situation on behalf of our web hosting customers.


  • Real-time antivirus protection as well as scheduled scans
  • Automatic cleanup if a virus or malware is detected

Web attacks and firewall:

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) prevents intrusion before it can happen
  • A typical situation is when someone tries to penetrate the administration tool of a WordPress site, for example. In this case, Imunify360 detects the intrusion attempt based on, for example, the IP address (blacklist) or AI-based proactive suspicious behaviour such as repeated login errors (brute force).
  • Imunify360 prevents botnets with a simple Captcha check – allowing the right users to easily access the site and avoiding inconvenience to normal customers, such as those shopping online
  • Spam bots Imunify360 prevents spam bots before they can cause any harm, meaning no ads or unwanted web links that can damage your search engine rankings, for example, in the worst case scenario

Vulnerability protection:

  • A web application such as WordPress or its plug-in may have a known vulnerability. If the application or its plug-in is not updated, it may be vulnerable to various attacks.
  • If the application is not updated or if the update is not up-to-date, the application may be vulnerable to attacks such as SQL injection or XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks.
  • Imunify360 can detect malicious attack attempts and prevent damage even if the user forgets to update their application. Of course, it is always recommended that applications and plug-ins are kept up to date

The Imunify360 approach is very autonomous and proactive and does not require user attention. The settings are defined at the server level, so you can relax and let Imunify take care of the job.

You can access the tool logbook via your cPanel management tool, where you will find a list of any problems detected and information about the action taken. Below are a few screenshots of suspicious activity detected by Imunify360:

Image: Imunify360 automatically monitors and removes detected malware and viruses, including from webhosting files.

Image: Thanks to malware and vulnerabilities, Imunify360 blocks intrusion attempts, which often seek to modify webhosting files, which contributes to the further spread of viruses and malware.

Imunify360 offers savings of up to EUR

Did you know that compared to some web hosts on the market that have no or very minimal protection, Imunify360 can also mean not only additional security but also cost savings for our customers.

If it means that you don’t want to install a separate firewall for your WordPress site, for example, and you are satisfied with the security features provided by Imunify360, you can easily save several tens – or even hundreds – of euros per year. Here are some sample calculations.

For publishing systems like WordPress, there are a number of security software packages available. These add-ons can cost several tens of euros per year. For example, Sucuri, a comprehensive range of premium options, costs as little as $199 per year for a single site. Another well-known option, Wordfence, costs $119/year. Prices revised in February 2023.

Imunify360 is included with every web host at no additional charge, meaning that even if you install 10 different WordPress applications on your web host, Imunify360 provides WAF firewall, virus and malware protection for all your sites. Of course, it should be noted that the features of security services differ greatly which can make it difficult to compare directly, as the approach is very different. Furthermore, Sucuri and Wordfence, because of their operating model, use the performance of your webhost, while Imunify360 operates at the server level and does not affect the performance of your webhost applications.

There are many other ways to strengthen the security of a WordPress site, but for many basic users, the security provided by Imunify360 is very welcome, especially as it requires no maintenance or configuration. In addition, it is application independent and provides protection for other publishing systems such as Joomla, Drupal etc.

Imunify360 covers all applications and services in XetNET webhosting, i.e. including email (POP3/IMAP) login attempts, intrusion attempts to FTP server or cPanel. So you can sleep a little easier at night!

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